Saturday, March 12, 2005

I was channel surfing today and almost every other channel had some sort of infomecial, mainly dealing with excersize. So I decided to capture that moment with this priceless picture. As a quick survey, who thinks those machines actually work effectively? I am skeptical. Posted by Hello


  • At 3/12/2005 8:42 PM, Blogger Roba said…

    I am beyond skeptical. I say its all bullshit. Who the hell wants to look like that anyway?

  • At 3/13/2005 7:22 AM, Blogger elendil said…

    Maybe if you could be bothered doing the exercise for hours every day. Not much point when you can just get a bicycle and ride to work -- exercise *and* something useful.

    I've put that blog I was telling you about up. You get first look - tell me what you think:

  • At 3/13/2005 11:42 AM, Blogger Sinan said…

    I want to look like that, but c'mon I don't want working on those machine it's a waste time. Just watch your diet and do some regular healthy outdoor sport.

  • At 3/13/2005 1:06 PM, Blogger x said…

    Elendil, I'll check it out and let you know.

    Towardsinfinity, Chuck Norris is kickass, if you watch Conan O'Brian you'll know what I mean.. I heard bowflex was good as well.

    Sinan, all you have to do is watch Rockey I thru V and you'll be super encouraged to work out

  • At 3/14/2005 5:23 PM, Blogger Linda said…

    well i go to the gym at least four times a week and they have everything there. its about having a healthy diet and working out. you have to exrcise whether it at the gym or going outside to play some sports or go for a jog. and when i say healthy diet, everything in moderation. dont deprive yourself. thats what i am doing and and am meeting my goals. plus, once you get to your goals, its a great way to maintain the way you are.

  • At 3/14/2005 6:37 PM, Blogger x said…

    I agree Linda.. I started working out about 2 years ago, and it became an addiction.. As for the diet, I just try to increase my protein intake on the days I work out.. I'm seeing slow results.. but they are showing


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