mY mSn NaMe iS sO toTalLY kOOl!!
Lately I couldn’t help but notice the cheesiness of the some people’s “MSN names.” MSN names went from being an identifier of who a person is, to a contest of who can come up with the most “clever” BURRRRN kinda name.
)GuYs ArE LiKe StArS, tHeRe ArE mIlLiOnS oF tHeM, bUt OnLy OnE CaN mAkE YoUr dREaMs cOmE TrUe()
i kNoW yOu tHiNk yOu bRoKe mY hEaRt, bUt i kNeW yOuR gAmE fRoM tHe sTaRt..i SaW yOuR gAmE aNd pLaYeD iT tOo..sTuPiD pLaYa..tHe jOkEs oN yOu
GuYs r pLaYeRs AnD ThAts A FaCt...DoN't FaLl -N- LoVe, JuSt pLaY 'eM bAcK
iM nOt ShY, i JuSt DoNt LiKe YoU
ReLaTiOnShiPs ArE LiKe GlAsS... It MiGhT bE BeTtEr To Be BrOkEn Up ThEn To GeT hUrT TrYiNg To PuT iT bAcK ToGeThEr.
-xXx- ()it's better T0 Regret The ThinGs ¥0u do... Than The ThinG you doN't d0() -xXx-
¨·.·I May not Get 2 see U as often As I Would Like,I May not Get 2 Hold U all through The night,But deep inside my heart,I Kno That This Is True,No Matter What I do,I Will alwayz Luv u·.·´¨
oWhen a guy asks u to suck turn around and say,"I heard its dangerous to put small things in my mouth"o
1Ce aPoN A TiMe SoMeThInG HaPpEnEd To mE It WaS ThE SwEeTeSt tHiNg tHaT CoUlD Be,iT WaS A fAnTaSy A DrEaM CoMe tRuE, iT wAs tHe DaY i MeT YoU
NeVeR GiVe uP iF u sTiLL WaNNa TrYNeVeR WiPe aWaY uR tEaRs iF u sTiLL WaNNa CrYNeVeR SaY YeS iF u rEaLLy MeAn NoNeVeR SaY tHaT u DoNt LoVe HiM iF u cAnT LeT HiM Go
(k)(l)DonT CaLl Me A GoDdEss DoNt DonT CaLl Me A QuEeN JuSt CaLl mE ThE CuTeSt LiTtLe PrIncEsS YoUvE EvA SeEn(L)(K)
Practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect, so why practice
I SmIlE BeCaUsE I hAvE No IdEa WhAt Is GoInG oN
I Wasnt Kissing Him, I Was Telling His Lips A Secret
If I ToLd YoU tHaT yOu HaD a NiCe BoDy... WoULd YoU HoLd It AgAiNsT mE ??
im an angel honest those horns are just there 2 hold my halo up
(a)(a)GoOd gUrL...BaD InTeNtIoNs(6)(6)
(A)I'm a angel yes it's true but you never know what this lil angel can do(6);)
Technorati Tags: MSN Names, MSN, Chat, Screen names
At 12/13/2005 5:30 PM,
Lasto-adri *Blue* said…
I love those names... quite funnny :D
At 12/14/2005 2:46 PM,
x said…
maybe I don't realte to them because I'm your typical guy.. feel free to use them if you really like them
At 12/16/2005 2:46 PM,
Amr Faham said…
you forgot the competition of the mimi things:
A great funny post!
At 12/18/2005 8:39 AM,
Sharks said…
i could use some in an SMS...they r soo funny :D....
At 1/27/2006 12:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
der amazin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 8/22/2006 7:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
hayy nice names! i got some new ones 4 ya!
[[bootiful]] [[b]roken [i]nside] [thats chessey] [im sorrii i cant be perfect..] [caz we lost it all...nothinkk lasts 4ever] [roses are red...violets are blue...who cares? are my crayons!]
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