Monday, April 18, 2005

Stats down, 2A down, Summer has officially BEGUN

So I'm finished, fini, rifinito, acabado with school for another four months. I must say the 4 months seemed like a few weeks, the term always comes and goes in a flash. I have added 6 courses to my transcript (hopefully), and have become 1/3 mechanical engineer, and it feels good. Statistics was my last exam; I couldn't even bring my self to start studying over the weekend. Partially because I got all the hard exams out of the way, partially because stats is boring... In fact I have a 95% confidence interval I will never take stats again (that was a stats joke by the way). I finished 3/4 of the exam in 45 minutes, so I had 2.25 hours to do the last two questions, and boy was that beautiful. After the exam me and my close buddy went to Williams (local Starbucks), it has become our after midterm/exam tradition. We then played soccer for a good few hours. Tomorrow the real party will begin, most of my friends are in electrical engineering, and they finish their exams tomorrow. I will take some pics to share with you.


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