Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Book Tag

Number of books I own: Counting only valuable books, and excluding textbooks, about 50

Last book I bought:
The Code Book “The Evolution of Secrecy From Mary, Queen of Scots to Quantum Cryptography”. A very interesting book which highlights the importance of message encryption throughout history, and the encryption techniques used. Written by Simon Singh.

Last book I read:

Technology and Society – A Canadian Prespective - by John Goyder. Discusses all aspects of technology such as deskilling of jobs, leapfrogging, and positive and negative impacts of technology on society.

Five books that mean a lot to me:

1. Cosmos by Carl Sagan. This was my first introduction into the world of astronomy, I own this book in hardcover, paperback, and I have the award winning television series.

2. Angela’s Ashes and ‘Tis by Frank McCourt. A mind opener into how tough life could be when living in poverty. Both books are memoirs, and that’s what makes them especially amazing. I totally recommend them.

3. Al Fizia2 al Mosalieh (Entertaining Physics) by Yakov Berilman (wrong spelling). This one is a classic, it discusses the physics behind everyday life, and just random phenomena. The author also analyzes Jules Vern’s books from a physics perspective.

4. Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan. This one goes in depth into the details of every planet and moon in our solar system. It also examines the possibility of human’s leaving our home planet, and why it’s essential to do so.

5. David Copperfield by Charles Dicken. I read a few of Dickens’ works and this one stands as my favourite. A very sad story, which in many respects depicts Dickens’ life. I love books that deal with poverty, even if there’s no happy ending.

The book I am reading since long but could not finish:
The Elegant Universe by Brian Green. An amazingly written book on modern theoretical physics, in particular String Theory. A very easy read and contains perhaps the clearest explanation of Einstein’s relativity theories.


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