Monday, August 15, 2005

It happened this Sunday

This Sunday I decided to help out a bit in the backyard, so I got some tools together and I started working on the grape vein that we have recently put up. An hour later my dad decided to show up, and show off. He was showing off his achievements at destroying a beehive. He then went on to show me this other hive which he was planning to attack next..

To prove to me that there are bees in the crevice in the wall, he decided to tap on the wall with a pop bottle. Suddenly the bees went nuts, and his point was made. He walked away, I looked at the bees got scared and walked faster… Suddenly I felt something on my leg and then STING.. I knew what had happened and I started running like moron, shaking my leg violently as if I have gotten shot in the leg. Meanwhile my dad was laughing his butt off. My brother who had witnessed the whole thing started crying, and my dad kept laughing.

The pain set in about a minute after the bite. It persisted for about 2 hours. For the first hour my dad was still laughing. Later on he explained he found it funny how he was the one who bothered the bees, and I was the one to get stung. I still don’t find the humour in that.

Anyway, Sunday evening I was limping around the house, a few hours after the bite, the pain calmed down.

My plan now is to destroy that beehive in my dad’s presence, for obvious reasons. I still don’t know how I’m going to attack those bees, but I know for sure I’ll be dressed for the occasion. I’ll keep you posted.

in case you're wondering the picture has nothing to do with the incident


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