Thursday, November 17, 2005

Shower Invention: "BackRub 2000"

From the previous post:
...You know that one spot on your back, which no matter how hard you try, you just can't reach (while showering)? It seems we were designed with the inability to fully clean ourselves.. But where evolution comes short, I will cover.

Well I guess evolution didn't come all that short. There are gifted people who are double jointed, have extremely flexible arms, narrow backs, or long arms. But these people constitute a minority of the population. So, to solve this age old problem, I used my engineering knowledge, combined with cutting edge design methodology, and came up with a solution...

Ya I know, I know what you'’re saying now:

"“Omar, why are you putting your precious time into such silly matters, when there'’s a pollution problem, no cure for cancer, and no flying cars yet?"....


Alright to all of the anxious clean obsessed readers, here's what I got for you. I know you have been waiting for this for a long time now, but it won't be in production for some time..
In the meantime you can make your own, but you have to get my approval first!!

To use the BackRub 2000 all you have to do is grab the handle, and swing your arm up and down while thesponge spong is rubbing against your back. The angle and length of arm will have to be adjusted to achieve a large sweep angle without struggling too much... Best of all the BackRub 2000 is fully adjustable!

what do you think?
I think if my profs saw this they would expel me from the program

Update: I made a change, this one should work much better

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