Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The math is simple

Casualty count so far...

I made this image to reflect the ratio of civilian casualties between the Israeli and Palestinian sides. By the time I finished working on it, the ratio had already changed, by the idea remains clear. The fact of the matter is, the casualties have been mostly Palestinian with the majority of them being children and women. This is clearly discussed by one of the few heroes of this war.

For the best coverage on the Gaza disaster I urge you to watch Aljazeera English for free! I guarantee you will be surprised at how much is (purposely) missed by the conventional news networks.

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  • At 1/13/2009 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good work man. And thank you very much for this great link! I am watching Al-Jazeerah now.

  • At 1/14/2009 11:11 PM, Blogger queenie said…

    That's a great graphic Omar. We keep hearing the numbers, and I think that a lot of us start thinking of the people themselves as just numbers, but this visual representation of the massacre brings it back to what those numbers actually mean, it's our brothers and sisters, it's you and me, it's human beings.

  • At 1/15/2009 1:18 AM, Blogger Ted said…

    Its a crime against humanity and the world needs to take action against Israel NOW!

    Number of Operations Iraq Freedom and Enduring Freedom casualties
    as confirmed by U.S. Central Command: 4844

  • At 2/03/2009 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You did a brilliant graphic Omar.. but as the numbers got higher and they were read out more and more.. I feel people stopped recognising that each was a life, a part of a family, a community....

    I feel the doctor put it in perspective... with his anger, his frustration... after this they bombed hospitals and schools and since that video has it changed... no they are still holding up medical supplies... and all we can do is watch and wait...it breaks my heart...Ive reposted the video, hope thats ok...


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