Galileo Thermometer

It's time for another science post.
Seen in the picture above is the Galileo Thermometer. Each one of the coloured'things' in the tube has a little plate, with the temperature engraved on it. You can tell the temperature in the room by looking at the lowest floating indicator, in the picture it's the dark blue one.
So how does it work?
Well, the tube is filled with water, and each one of those glass pieces inside the tube is filled with a mix of water, food colouring and alcohol, the density of the coloured liquid is the same as that of water.
What makes some of the pieces heavier (more dense) than others is the size of the temperature tag. Since objects that are denser sink, and less dense float, this thermometer essentially works according to changes in density.
How does the density change? The density of water changes with temperature, so when the temperature increases, the density of the water decreases and some of those coloured pieces fall down. When the temperature decreases some of the pieces float, and the temperature reading is therefore changed.
This thermometer is quite popular around here, many people have it their offices, but I'm sure that 90% of the people don't know how it works. My description of how it works is compressed. If you didn't get it, and still want to know how it works visit this website
At 4/28/2005 2:54 AM,
Baher said…
Really cool thermometer.
At 4/28/2005 2:01 PM,
x said…
you can always count on Galileo to come with cool inventions
At 4/28/2005 5:27 PM,
Dina said…
Cool! I first thought it looked like a Lava lamp...
At 4/28/2005 7:40 PM,
Phantom of the Blog said…
that is cool
the weather channel must have some cool stuff
At 4/28/2005 10:27 PM,
jameed, RPh, MS said…
We have one in the lab and we all hate it. It is so ugly and shaped like a dildo, excuse my language.
At 4/28/2005 11:54 PM,
x said…
LOL... that was hillarious.
At 4/29/2005 12:54 PM,
Ghalia said…
so cool i like it.
At 6/03/2005 12:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thankx. its cool.. and i need this info for a project! haha..
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