Tuesday, August 16, 2005

On Gangs and Racial Profiling

I would like you to read the following and tell me what you think…

A few weeks ago, what seems to be a gang war has erupted in Toronto. People are getting shot and killed on daily basis. Most of the violence is taking place in downtown Toronto, mainly within the Jamaican community. The police have been quite involved in the gang war now. More and more police men are being deployed to the area, and the violence hasn’t slowed down yet.

Today, a plan was put down by a city councillor called for “police to be allowed to stop and search cars driven by young black men in troubled areas, to see if they have guns.” As soon as the suggestion was made criticism erupted saying his plan is just a form of racial profiling. The councillor argues his plan is criminal profiling rather than racial profiling. The councillor is black himself.

I personally don’t think it’s such a bad plan. The majority of the victims have been from the Jamaican community. If there’s suspicion that someone maybe a carrying an illegal weapon, then why not stop them? At the same time I think no matter what the colour of a person is, as long as they are suspicious they should be searched.

I believe what the councillor is going after is a special focus on that area of Toronto and on members of the gangs. If anything, this will benefit the Jamaican community, since most of them are sick of the violence and sick losing loved ones. I have no problem imagining the Jamaican community supporting an idea that would result in a safer community.

Is everyone opposing this idea just to be politically correct? What do you think?

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