Monday, September 25, 2006

Hunting is a sport now?

As I was doing my weekly browsing through flyers I saw an add for ammunition at a popular “big box” store. Underneath the add the caption said something along the line of “Canadian Tire sells ammunition for sporting puposes only…” As if they knew you were going to use the ammunition for “sporting purposes” only. Then I thought to myself, why is hunting classified a sport? What’s so athletic about taking a gun and shooting down some birds?

I understand that humans long to their ancient history as cavemen. The average person finds pleasure in camping outdoors, making a fire, fishing etc. After all, humans lived in the outdoors for a good part of our existence on the planet. Having said that, I still don’t understand the joy in shooting a bird, or a deer, and I especially cannot understand how such an activity can be categorized as a sport.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but sport hunting consists mainly of a bunch of ignorant middle aged men, walking through some sort of a forest with the company of a few hunting dogs. One person spots a prey, shoots at it from 300 yards or more, and then the rest shoot in the general direction of the prey. The dog then runs to retrieve the dead animal. It takes quite an athlete to see something and shoot at it, doesn’t it?

In my opinion, for hunting to be called a sport, it must involve strenuous physical activity, combined with primeval weapons. You know… caveman style. The men would go into a forest equipped with nothing but knives, and stone tools. They would actually follow ancient hunting strategies, and work as a team to execute them. Then after a few kills, the men would start a fire and have a feast in the middle of the woods. Oh yeah, and the animals hunted should be categorized as beasts. None of that sissy bird shooting action.

So until I start hearing of people going out to hunt cave man style, I will not recognize hunting as a sport.

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  • At 9/26/2006 7:22 AM, Blogger Abufares said…

    Hi Omar

    Hunting, if exercised correctly and with reverence to nature is a great sport indeed.
    First rule, never shoot anything you don't intend to eat. Second, don't eat too much of it.
    A good hunter is a great conservationist and would not let anything goes to waste.
    There's a lot of walking and climbing involved. On an average all-day hunting trip (for quails), a hunter would have walked well over 30 km. Not bad ah!
    Finally, it's not as easy as it may sound shooting quails and thrush, for example, on the fly at about 80km/hr. The bird is a small target and it takes plenty of skill to not miss such a fast flying object.
    I have to admit though that not all hunters respect nature and its creature as they should. If practiced sensibly, hunting is one of the best sports around.
    Yours, Abufares (the hunter)

  • At 9/26/2006 11:55 AM, Blogger programmer craig said…

    Hunting has always been classified as a sport though! What else would you classify it as? :)

    I'm not a hunter myself but I do enjoy target practice on the range, and that's also classified as a sport. Maybe we need a new word, for hobbies that require skill and luck and some sort of phyiscal endeaver. I do kind of agree with you, these things don't seem much like sports, but I can't think of a better term. Can you?

  • At 9/27/2006 11:45 PM, Blogger x said…

    Abufares, I like your hunting rules. And 30 km sure sounds like a long distance. I'm still not convinced at how shooting birds can be fun. If it's the shooting your after (which sounds kinda fun to me) then there is a shooting ranges, or shooting inanimate objects, both of which need tremendous skill. Maybe it's a hunting thing, that only hunters understand.

    Craig, hunting was classified as everyday life until we became civilized, so to speak. I think we do need a new word for such activities, hell, we should even throw golf and baseball under those catagories ;)

    Call me an extremist, but unless an activity causes you to break a sweat, and feel sore the next morning, it should not be classified as a sport.

    Or maybe I'm just trying to push people's buttons :)

  • At 10/12/2006 6:31 PM, Blogger Carmen said…

    I'd support hunting as a sport if we could hunt actual people...

  • At 11/12/2008 6:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Amen to that Carmen. LOL


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