Sunday, October 15, 2006

Blame it on Firday the 13th

My sister has been looking for a job lately. She has been applying relentlessly to all kinds of places and no one replied. So I suggested to her that she drops by my old workplace, a grocery store chain, and try her luck. The manager there really liked me, and I figured it just might be the needed connection to get her foot in the door. As odd as it seems, connections are very important in getting even a simple part time job.

So she went to drop off her resume earlier last week. She met the manager and told him who she was, and that she wanted a job. He told her that he’ll keep her in mind next time he hires. That was the end of that, until a few days ago when he called to set up and interview with her. On Thursday after school, she went for her interview. She said that he gave her mixed messages, and at the end of the interview he said “if you’re hired we’ll call you tomorrow.”

Friday, at about 3 o’clock at work I was thinking “just about now, she should be getting her call.” I got home around 6ish thinking that the mood in the house will be a happy one, but to my surprise it wasn’t. The manager hadn’t called yet, and my sister’s patience was running low. Every time the phone rang, we’d all be anxious to see who it, only to be disappointed. My sister started saying goodbye to her dreams of buying all the clothes she wanted, iPOD accessories, car…. you name it. By 9 o’clock she knew she wasn’t going to get the call, since that’s when store closes.

This morning, she got up early in the morning determined to find a job. I was at the mall and told her about a few places who were hiring, so she got ready, printed off resumes and started applying. By the time she got back from the mall, she told me that she had won an interview at a place in the mall. A few minutes later the phone rang…

It was the manager of the grocery store, calling to tell her that she’s been hired. Apparently the manager said to her “sorry I didn’t call you yesterday, but you know, it was Friday the 13th….”

Go figure!

For more on Friday the 13th visit this old post of mine

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