On corporate marketing, multi-blade razors, and snow
Just when we thought it was all over we were hit with another snow storm. This winter is putting up a good fight and doesn’t want to give up just yet. It looked like a blizzard outside all day today, and it’s going to continue into tomorrow. I guess that’s why I appreciate spring and summer so much.
I’m really bothered by big corporations trying to “green” their image just from a marketing perspective. Putting a hybrid badge and painting an SUV green doesn’t make it fuel efficient and certainly doesn’t make your fleet of cards environmentally friendly. Hear that GM and Ford? And to all other corporations trying to sell me on e-billing by saying “Help save the environment, choose paperless bills” I say bullshit. It’s more like help save us some postage stamps, and paper costs. If you care about the environment you wouldn’t stuff my mailbox with flyers about your latest cell phone plans, and new high speed internet service.
I lost my old Gillette razor, which I had for over 10 years now. I tried the new Gillette Fusion with 4 blades, comfort grip, and a trimming a blade at the back, and it sucked. I jumped from store to store on the weekend to try and spot a Gillette Sensor Excel. After a lot of searching I was finally found it at Wallmart. It really made my day. I’ve already ranted about the ridiculous competition between Schick and Gillette in adding more blades to razors, so I won’t do it again. Although I’m tempted…
Labels: brain fart, Canada, everyday life
At 4/08/2009 9:22 AM,
Ted said…
Hey Omar. Hope you are well..
Number of Operations Iraq Freedom and Enduring Freedom casualties
as confirmed by U.S. Central Command: 4916
At 4/08/2009 7:28 PM,
x said…
Hi Ted, I'm doing well thank you. Nice to see you around :)
At 4/17/2009 12:19 PM,
queenie said…
You might be interested in this Star article on greenwashing--> http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/619936
About companies saving on postage and paper costs for billing, it's a win-win-win situation, for you, them, and the environment. It's definately naive to think that they're only doing it to be "green", but I think we need to encourage companies to adopt environmental practices that they can benefit from too, otherwise, we'll continue to be on opposite ends of the environmental sustainability debate. Agree with you on stupid flyers though.
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