Friday, March 25, 2005

This post is indirectly inspired by Sinan. Sinan mentioned that he is open minded towards homosexual issues, and I share that with him. While some may argue that homosexuals choose their sexual orientation to get more attention, or to be different, I believe other wise. My belief is primarily based on recent scientific findings, stating that there is a gene that is responsible for sexual orientation, commonly known as the gay gene.
More specifically this gene is thought to encourage the lust for men in individuals. In other words, women and men have this gene, which explains why this gene continues to propagate through generations.
In a study done by an Italian researcher it was found that “mothers and aunts had more children if related to a gay rather than a straight man. Mothers of gay men averaged 2.7 babies, compared with 2.3 born to mothers of straight men.” Which means that women with the gay gene had more sexual urges towards men, than ones without. The desire for men is then shown transferred to their gay sons. In the words of the researcher her self "We think of a gene for male homosexuality, but it might really be a gene for sexual attraction to men." The scientist does not believe that her finding explains men’s homosexuality but rather completes part of the puzzle of homosexuality. I think such findings should encourage us to give gay couples full rights, from marriage to being considered a family. It’s not fair for us to judge them and take away their rights just because we don’t have the same sexual orientation. I personally think that religion is the main reason behind the massive dislike of gay people, as can be clearly seen by American society, where the debate is still going on.


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