Sunday, May 01, 2005

Moved in, and bored

As promised, I'm posting this on Sunday night from my new home, or should I say room. I guess everything went smoothly but I learned a few things today:
1. Guys driving SUV's think they're better than you (especially on the highway)
2. I live in a Chinese area
3. I live with Asians.. all 5 of them
4. The kitchen will smell like fried rice for the next four months
5. My room mates cannot speak English
6. Living without a TV sucks
7. MSN is a great way to communicate for free (the house doesn't have a phone)
8. I need to invest in a cell phone

Things are boring so far, I attempted to talk to my roomies by introducing my self, here's what happened:

Knock knock
No one turns their heads (3 ppl in the room). I start to believe that there’s a special way to knock a door in Chinese.

I go in the room extending my hand saying “Hello, I’m Omar”
“So, what are your names?”
Confusion on their faces
One guy says “Funga” I smile and say “nice to meet you”. Meanwhile the other two are playing computer games. I extend my hand to the other and he says his name “lkajdfklasue,” me being totally confused I say “: ) nice.”
Total silence again, and I’m starting to feel weird now.
“So you guys go to school around here, or work?”
One guy was able to decipher what I said and says “sgoo” at that point I know there’s no chance speaking English with these guys, so I pull back saying “well, just wanted to say hi…….. bye” and they understood that saying “bye” back.

I then start thinking of ways to waste my time, and get some human interaction with someone, so I end up talking to some friends online. I couldn’t call any of my friends in this Area, since I don’t have a phone, which means I will now have to find a better means of communication.

My room is alright, I’ll take some pics when I get the camera up here. I have gayish blue/cyan see through curtains, which screams girls’ room. But I figured who cares, it’s better than nothing.

Earlier today I went to the city where my company is located, and on the way I noticed Alibaba Middle Eastern Cuisine, so that was a bonus. I have a feeling lots of falafel and shawarma will enter my system in the next few months. I have to be at work by 8 tomorrow, which means I need to get up by 6:30 to get through the traffic and leaving some buffer time. I have two alarms set to wake me up, so if both fail I’m in big trouble, especially since I’m not used to getting up that early.

Other than that, there are no major stories to tell, but I’m sure more are on the way


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