Friday, May 06, 2005


I told some guys at work my problems, and one of them said that you simply cannot cancel the rent contract without paying first, and last (roughly $700). So that got me even more frustrated. I'm sure that I don't want to stay at the place, and I'm also sure the landlord will get nothing from me except what she deserves. So I talked to her, and my human relations lessons paid off. I conveyed the problem to her and she seemed pretty concerned with the situation. So we worked out a deal, where everyone gets what they deserve.

What now?

Well, I looked around and found a few places, but now I'm very critical of my next dwelling. Most of the places didn't offer much in terms of what I wanted. I have a friend who lives about 70 km away, where I'm guaranteed a good place, a good time, and more importantly a good friend. But I figured if I'm willing to drive 70 km, then 110 km wouldn't make that much of a difference. So I decided to move back home. I now get up at 5 am, I make it to work by 6:30, and I'm home by around 7 pm. Believe or not, this is a lot more comfortable than before. It’s very common around here for people to commute 100 km to work daily. In fact over a million cars enter Toronto every morning.

On a more positive note, work is going well. It sounds like it will challenge me, and that’s good. The company is world class in what they do, the company has numerous patents, and works on almost every type of car produced in North America. We (the students) were split up randomly among the various “teams” in the company. I was lucky enough to be in the Honda/Nissan group. First because those are decent cars (unlike the Fords and GM’s), and I get to learn two different (and very powerful) software programs, which means that my experience will be very valuable. In fact, it will be so valuable that I might get a job close to home next time ;-)

I wish I could take some pictures of the company, especially since they have a bunch of race cars/boats/snowmobiles being worked on at all times. But since the automotive business is very competitive, secrets are guarded closely, and therefore we cannot bring cameras into the facility. In fact, I had to sign a paper that ensured that I don’t tell anyone about the technology being developed at the company.

Thanks everybody for reading the past events of last week, and I especially appreciate the people who commented and gave me advice :)
Next post will be more of what you have been used to.. ie. less about me and more about my surroundings.


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