Oh Canada!
I got these funny patriotic images through e-mail.. check them out

I love it when Canadians pretend they're tough!
Technorati Tags: Canada Pictures, Funny images, Patriotic
Technorati Tags: Canada Pictures, Funny images, Patriotic
At 8/19/2005 8:23 PM,
Bubidu said…
They are tough man, we opposed the war remember!, and please never vote conservatives.
At 8/20/2005 5:23 AM,
مترجم سوري said…
i liked the first one
At 8/20/2005 6:40 AM,
Unknown said…
i like the thirsd one, the last one has something to do with the anti-missiles protection request?
At 8/20/2005 10:02 AM,
x said…
true Ahmad, when it comes to certain issues they are tough. ANd trust me man, conservatives are the last thing I would vote for.. how do you like NDP?
I like that one too 3abla
Oz the last one could, but I think it mainly makes fun of Bush..
At 8/21/2005 4:08 PM,
Roba said…
HA! Hilarious. My favorite is the last one.. very creative and ironic.
At 8/22/2005 6:18 AM,
michelle said…
so funny!
At 8/22/2005 5:51 PM,
wegrit said…
As a Canadian living in Texas, I totally love the last one!
At 8/24/2005 10:26 PM,
Linda said…
these are too funny. love it.
At 8/26/2005 2:46 PM,
anika said…
These are GREAT! *sigh* I love being Canadian.
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