Monday, April 03, 2006

Interesting Science Studies

The latest collection of interesting research happening around the globe..

Device warns you if you're boring or irritating

The device can recognise facial expressions and alerts its autistic user if the person they are talking to starts showing signs of boredom or irritation

Smart glasses switch focus in an instant

"Dynamic" spectacles use liquid crystals to snap from "distance" to "reading" mode at the flick of a switch, doing away with strain-inducing bifocal lenses

Your secrets are safe with quasar encryption

Governments, embassies or financial institutions could use random radio signals from across the universe to encrypt messages that require a high level of security

Nano-welding could join molecular devices

The technique - based on the blazing reaction that powers fireworks - could also lend itself to nanoscopic chemistry experiments

Groggy mornings fuel desire to smoke

People whose body clocks are permanently out of synch may take up smoking simply to give themselves a boost


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