Sunday, July 09, 2006

Syria's Representation on the WWW

A few weeks back, I sent my final papers to the Syrian Embassy in Ottawa, to get a paper allowing me to enter Syria without being dragged to military service. Long story short I filled out all the papers, and I went through the checklist. To my surprise one of the items on the checklist was, get this, an empty envelope with a stamp so they can mail the visa back to me.

A stamped envelope? I remember thinking to my self… “How poor is the embassy?” But then I remembered how much effort they put into their website design, and I thought “hey, they splurged on the website, so they have to cut down somewhere” Right :-| … So, for contrast sake I decided to have a look at the website of the Canadian Embassy in Syria, and the difference was clear. The Canadian embassy website looks like every other official Canadian website, clean and easy to navigate.

But then I thought to my self, maybe I’m not being fair. So I checked other Syrian embassies… to my disappointment, there were worse, much worse. For instance check out“Maktab al 3alaqat's” website in Libya, to give you the heads up it’s on a geocities account. Most websites have the ever cheesy waving flag, and some have an excessive use of fancy scripts that don’t belong on a government website. On the contrary, Belguim and the UK had decent websites.

I’m very sure there are tens of Syrians that have the ability to create stunning websites, and who would love to put time and effort into such a project. I’m going to try to do something about the website for the embassy in Ottawa, let’s see how far I can get.

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  • At 7/09/2006 2:28 AM, Blogger Yazan said…

    man, the embassy site is not even opening!!!!

    anyways, good luck with ur new project ;)

  • At 7/09/2006 6:04 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    and here is one for you:

    check it out..


  • At 7/09/2006 1:54 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Do I sense that you were surprised? Because a website is bad? And because they asked for the envelope? You've been long in Canada man! (3am yenza3ook hal canadieh!) Anyway, akeed they would benefit a lot from your contribution.

  • At 7/12/2006 12:18 AM, Blogger x said…

    that wasn't too bad Sam.. beats Ottawa's

    Ammar, I was suprised! shayef ya zalame.. I actually don't have much HTML skills but I thought I could organize a project and take part of it. For now I have to work on my calculus assignment :(

    Fares, it's been 4 or 5 weeks and the visa hasn't arrived.. I couldn't agree with you more, things should be simpler

  • At 7/12/2006 6:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thank you for posting this to world to see, and I hope these facts will embarrass them. We all suffer from "them" who ever they are. They love to make our life and the lives of our extended family in Syria miserable. When you visit Syria, they do not treat you like a foreigner, but like a stepped on citizen who has to pay more than the foreigner and the citizen. The reason is in their inside brain, they are against future, and the stupid thing in their brain they think they can make more money this way. I was looking at the website for the Syrian Ambassador in Australia, and you could tell from the number pictures of his president posted on his site how he thinks and how he get the blessing of his dictator, all he has to do to put as much pictures as he can. It is Stone Age way of delivering dictator’s message. Too stupid, sometimes feel sorry of them but actually I should always only feel sorry for the people who have to accept this.


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