Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Commenting Etiquette

Now that I have been actively blogging for a few months, I have run across a few things which I thought I should share with you. This post will target comments in specific.

Comments are what a makes a blog different from a normal website, at least in my opinion. It’s always nice to see people comment on a post which you put effort into. But when is commenting not necessary? When should a blogger comment? What is considered a good comment? The answers that I will provide are purely my opinion, and they’re directed towards people who have blogs and those who just read them.

Point 1

Comment only when you have something relevant to say.

I hate comments which tell me “cool blog… visit mine.” These are insincere and selfish comments. Instead I recommend commenting on the post, and then complimenting the blog. I’m very sure that the owner of the blog will visit yours if you’re sincere. Always try to touch on the subject of the post in the comment.

Point 2

Comments are not a form of a treaty.

What I mean by that is that, just because I comment on your blog that doesn’t mean you have to comment on mine. Forced comments are usually lame, and who wants lame comments? I admit when I first started, I expected comments to be exchanged, but then I took a step back and realized that it was pretty dumb to think of comments that way.

Point 3

If you have something bad to say, have some evidence to back your point.

I just hate stupid comments (usually made by Anonymous individuals) which contain pure garbage and hate. If you need to criticise that’s cool, but do it effectively and constructively. I also hope that no blogger ever hides under “anonymous” in order to post stupid comments. To people who leave dumb comments I say “grow up.” If you have a blog and you’re experiencing such stupid behaviour, I recommend ignoring the comment altogether, or just deleting it.

By all means these points are not in any way “commandments.” I deviate from them every now and then. But I do believe that they create a half decent standard, which keeps everybody happy and respected. All the people who leave comments on my blog seem to have figured these points themselves. I only had minor issues, with a few anonymous morons, and the odd “visit my blog” type comment. So this is by no means directed towards any of the regular commenters :) you guys are GOLD!

Please feel free to suggest, negate or modify any of these…let me know what you think

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