How to rank #1 on Google..

But seriously now, someone acually cares about that? Were they planning to break the record? That's one record breaking event I wouldn't want to attend..
In other news, as you can tell already this blog now supports a new theme... I made up this banner a long time ago, and the majority of the readers liked it. So I decided to finally use since after all a new season is on our door steps, and what better way to celebrate spring but with a fresh theme.
Going back to blog stats, I have been noticing hits coming from which seems to be a new Syrian blog aggregator. I like the look and functionality of the website, all we need is a nifty little button to show off.
At 3/10/2006 4:56 AM,
A said…
Nice new logo, congrats!
Syria Planet already has a button by the way, check it out here:
At 3/10/2006 6:05 AM,
M!R@CHK@ said…
Its the irst time i find out about the syrian planet :D i always liked syrian blogs its nice to have them in one place :D Thx omar :)
At 3/10/2006 12:00 PM,
Tololy said…
Personally, I would have suggested a more creative name for the aggregator. This just sounds like "Jordan Planet", and that cannot be beneficial for any one, I reckon.
In any case, good luck with the aggregator and I adore your new banner. It is so "renaissance"!
At 3/10/2006 10:49 PM,
x said…
thanks Ayman, I assume you make the intiative. How does that relate to the other blog aggregator that was launched recently?
The feeling is mutual about Jordanian blogs Mira, you guys have made some important strides in blogging.
Toloy I agree with you about the name. Sinan and I, a few months ago, brainstormed a bunch of names for the aggregator. Things like "Streets of Sham" and a bunch of other unique names. I'm not sure if Syrian bloggers were consulted about the name, but I applaud the effort anyway.
Thanks for the comment on the banner :)
At 3/11/2006 4:52 AM,
A said…
"Planet" is usually used for aggregator-type sites, this why we went with the name.
The other aggregator serves as a searchable archive for blogs, the new site is more like an aggregator that directs to source blogs and a community portal.
I consulted Yazan, and we ended up using this name.
At 3/11/2006 1:06 PM,
Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said…
Nice banner indeed! You're officially linked now by the way.
At 3/11/2006 2:37 PM,
x said…
I didn't know that Ayman, so now the name makes sense. I like the searchable archive idea. Good job Ayman, do you have your own blog?
Shaykhspeara, thank you very much :)
At 3/13/2006 5:09 AM,
A said…
Omar, glad you're enjoying the project :)
And yes I have a blog.
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