Thursday, May 11, 2006

Ontario Bans Smoking in Trucks

Ontario is getting a bit harsh on smokers, but at the end of the day everybody benefits. This is an article from the local newspaper about a new Ontario law which bans smoking in the workplace, including trucks. The law will be enforced on a complaints basis, but it's better than nothing. The less smokers we have in Ontario, the less healthcare will cost, the more room there's in hospitals for everybody. So if you smoke and thinking of moving to Ontario, think again.

Related posts:
Smokers... stop complaining and take it outside!

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  • At 5/11/2006 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great argument. Could be applied to fast food, lack of exercise and many other things. I suppose the government should be able to mandate you get a minimum 30 minutes of exercise and be prohibited from eating artery-clogging fast food. After all, this will lower health care costs.

    Sounds like too much of the Nanny State to me, Omar.

  • At 5/13/2006 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Anonymous, I don't think you can really make the analogy between smoking and fast food. With smoking, it's not just the smoker's health that's affected, but also those around them when they do smoke, and those who live with them, it's a public issue. With fast food, one person is ingesting the food, but whatever health risks are involved, are confined to that person. Someone eating a cheeseburger is not releasing harmful chemicals or sharing the heart attack with those around him. The government's job is to deal with public issues that deal with everyone and to protect society from harm (what you call a "Nanny State"), and since both smoking laws and healthcare are public issues, the government is acting within its jurisdictional boundaries.

  • At 5/13/2006 9:51 AM, Blogger Chet said…

    I have got to agree with Queenie. I am a smoker yet for how much longer I don't know, but smoking is not good and have kept it inside at my place. Don't smoke when I have company or out in public. Not going to defend it. Just tough to quit after 47 years. Good article.

  • At 5/13/2006 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No doubt it is a bad habit that I wouldn't want anyone to get or have to go through trying to kick it.

  • At 5/14/2006 3:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    smoking is like alcohol addiction!!
    thanks god i left it :)

    great post

  • At 5/15/2006 12:14 AM, Blogger x said…

    Anon. I assume you're a smoker hence your sarcasm. We might view the government controlling who smokes and who doesn't as a nanny, but years from now it will be viewed much like we view laws banning drinking and driving. I'm sure when the "drinking and driving" law was first introduced people felt like the government was controlling them more than they should. What I'm trying to say is that laws change with time, back in the 40's and 50's and even more recently, smoking was not yet proven to be such a health hazard. But as we discovered how bad smoking was we began to shape our laws to reflect the seriousness of the issue.

    Chet, good luck on quitting. As I mentioned above, smoking was advertised as a cool thing to do and that's why a lot of the older generations have a high percentage of smokers. I don't blame your generation, but rather the young teenagers that pick up the habit knowing how bad it can be for their health. And I respect that you don't smoke around others.

    Thanks wedad, quitting is the best thing you've done for you and for your family. I have a friend who stopped hanging around a bunch of his friends just because they always smoked around him, and he didn't want to become a second hand smoker.

  • At 5/15/2006 2:03 AM, Blogger Barsawad said…

    If only we had the same seriousness here! If only smoking could be completely banned world-wide!

    It is hard to understand: almost everyone is scared stiff of HIV/AIDS! No one would accept using a parachute to drop from the air, thousands of meters high - if that person is told that the parachute has an 80% chance of working!

    And yet: people smoke! Worse: they smokers, are trying to drag us innocent non-smokers, with them, in to the air using that very ubreliable parachute!

  • At 5/15/2006 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thank you Omar, When it comes to the younger generation, I feel that the older ones have not been active enough in letting them know of the hazards or dangers of smoking. In fact as much as I don't want to think this, Some of the older ones looks at smoking like they do drinking in that is the younger ones passage to adulthood.


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