Tuesday, February 13, 2007

You know you're an engineer if...

I have 6 midterms this week. I have been doing so much math, that I’m literally dreaming of x’s and y’s. Lists like the ones below always put a smile on my face, especially because they’re so true… read on.

You know you’re an engineer if:

1. You have no life - and you can PROVE it mathematically.
3. You know vector calculus but you can't remember how to do long division.
5. You've actually used every single function on your graphing calculator.
9. You think in "math".
13. You laugh at jokes about mathematicians.
15. You can translate English into Binary.
16. You can't remember what's behind the door in the engineering building which says "Exit".
17. You have to bring a jacket with you, in the middle of summer, because there's a wind-chill factor in the lab.
18. You are completely addicted to caffeine.
19. You avoid doing anything because you don't want to contribute to the eventual heat-death of the universe.
20. You consider ANY non-engineering course "easy".
21. When your professor asks you where your homework is, you claim to have accidentally determined its momentum so precisely, that according to Heisenberg it could be anywhere in the universe.
22. The "fun" center of your brain has deteriorated from lack of use.
23. You'll assume that a "horse" is a "sphere" in order to make the math easier.
26. The salesperson at Circuit City can't answer any of your questions.
31. You have a habit of destroying things in order to see how they work.
34. You spent more on your calculator than on your wedding ring.
35. You think that when people around you yawn, it's because they didn't get enough sleep.
37. You've ever calculated how much you make per second.
39. You understood more than five of these jokes.
40. You can't write unless the paper has both horizontal and vertical lines.
41. You make a copy of this list, and post it on your door (or your home page !)

I would like to add a few of my own..

You know the Greek alphabet more than the English alphabet

You can assign a physical unit to every letter in the English alphabet

You use phrases like “within an order of magnitude” and “to the nth degree” as part of your daily talk

You type on your calculators with two fingers

When faced with a tough partial differential equation, you start assuming everything as negligible.

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