Street Lingo 104 - Mastering Your Son and Daughter's Language
It’s been a while since I’ve discussed street lingo on the blog. I used to discuss common words, and phrases that I hear on daily to monthly basis, put them in useful sentences, and so on. So here is the latest installment of Street Lingo:
The word “shit” seems to have a tremendous amount of usage, for example, consider the phrase…
“you must be shitting me”
This usually said in a casual conversation with a friend when he/she tells you something you weren’t expecting. It’s the same as saying “you must be kidding me.” The “shitting” part makes the phrase stronger, and implies a greater surprise.
While we’re on the surprise category, girls often say
“Shut UP!” when they hear something that takes them by surprise. My friend told me that a girl in her class loudly said “Shut up!” after the prof. said that “some of your neurons could stretch from your head to your toes”
On a different note, this phrase is not as common, but I have heard it a few times:
“Shoot the shit”
If used in a sentence it would sound like:
“so me and John were shooting the shit when Mary came in”
To “shoot the shit” means to be involved in a conversation. Generally the conversation is not serious in nature, and usually it’s between acquaintances.
“I give that major props” is a widely used phrase among university, college and high school students. The phrase denotes happiness or acceptance of something. For example someone could say “I give that prof major props for delaying the due date” a variations to the original phrase is:
“props to that!”
And as an added touch I would like to introduce my own spin on “prop” and coin the phrase “propable” which simply indicated that something is worth giving major props to. “Propable” could be used to say “that’s a propable proposition” meaning the proposition is worth considering.
On the sexual side of things there’s an increasingly popular phrase indicating the sexual interest of a male in a female. The phrase is of course “I’d tap it!”
Of course, tap is used as metaphor in this phrase. If you’re having trouble seeing the metaphor I suggest you read this article. I foresee this phrase to be widely used among females in the next few years, as the pattern has shown for the phrase “I’d do him/her.”
I hope this informative lesson was of value to you. I think it’s important to understand street language, and I certainly encourage older people to learn these phrases. Just think of the all things your sons and daughters are saying, and you’re oblivious to. By learning these phrases not only are you connecting to your teenage sons and daughters, but you’re also viewed as a hip parent. technorati tags: culture, street, langauge, slang, lingo, phrase, pop, culture
Labels: brain fart, culture
At 1/28/2007 2:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
I recently came across the expression "major props" for the first time. Thanks for telling me what it means. But, still, what does it mean? In particular, what does "props" refer to? Stage scenery? Property? Propping something up? My dictionary reminds me that, among other things, "prop" refers to an airplane propeller. That must be it: "Big airplane propellers to you!"
At 1/28/2007 2:38 AM,
x said…
lol.. I love that one Abufares. What I find amazing about these expressions, is that they seem so natural in the era they're used, but when they're told 10 years later, they make absolutely no sense!
You probably heard of the one during the proscription years of calling a girls the "bees knees" which translates to "she's fine" in today's lingo..
minheer, I'm glad you asked. I was contemplating putting up a picture of what props represents, but I didn't have the time to draw one. Basically giving someone "props" is when you clinch your fist, and lightly tap the fist of the person you're giving props to. It's a kind of handshake, if you will. But a cool one, used often in rap videos, and therefore made it's way to the streets. You usually give props to a buddy, someone you like, someone you approve of, so by saying I gave props to that, in a sence you're displaying your approval of what ever "that" is. Get my drift?
At 1/31/2007 1:21 AM,
AsukaRen said…
"shoot the shit"
Never really heard that one. You learn something new everyday.
At 2/01/2007 2:32 AM,
x said…
Sakura, shoot the shit isn't too popular. A few people at my old workplace used it.
Have you heard of "dropping a deuce" before? I also learned that at work :)
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